Director Galerie Düsseldorf 1976-
1976 Opened Galerie Düsseldorf, Perth with wife Magda Sheerer
1981- Approved Commonwealth Government Valuer for the Cultural
Gifts Programme Taxation Incentives for the Arts Scheme since 1981.
1996-99 Chair : The Australian Commercial Galleries Association (ACGA)WA
1999 Chair : ART99 - The Western Australian Art Fair in 1999
1996-01 Chair : Association of Western Australian Art Galleries Inc.
Provider of Art Valuation services to :
- The National Gallery of Australia, Canberra ACT
- The Art Gallery of Western Australia
- WA. Department of Culture & the Arts (complete collection)
- The Western Australian Parliament House Art Collection (complete collection)
- The Geraldton Regional Art Gallery, The City of Geraldton (complete collection)
- The City of Vincent (complete collection)
- The City of Perth , The City of Fremantle, The City of Bunbury,
- City of Joondalup (complete collection)
- The Shire of Bassendean (complete collection)
- The Shire of Armadale (complete collection)
- Curtin University of Technology, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University, TAFE
- The Commonwealth Bank / BankWest
- Royal Perth Hospital Collection, King Edward Hospital Collection
- Numerous Corporations and Superannuation Funds
Consultancy Model
- Valuations, Collection Design & Management, Curatorial Advice.
- Project and Exhibition Management.